Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome To Matrix In Command Prompt

Welcome To Matrix In Command Prompt

step 1 Materials
What do I need to conquer the Matrix?

Any Windows Model with Command Prompt
The "run" module in your start menu
The Power of the Matrix

step 2 Opening Command Prompt
Once you have "run" open. Type in "cmd" in the text box.

Then click OK, and the wonderful black dialog box of DOS should appear.

If you are at school, and your "run" command is disabled, please refer to last step to find a secondary way to open up command prompt.

step 3 Typing it all in
Ok, so now you have Command Prompt open, it is now time to type in what we want.

To clear the Microsoft Windows Copyright above the C:\Documents and Settings, just type in "cls"

cls means to clear screen.

So now, you should be left with C:\Documents and Settings\(Name of User>_

Next, type in the word "prompt".

After prompt, put a space, and start to type Welcome to the Matrix. To make sure the the saying is not overlapping to the next line, you have to type:

Welcome to the Matrix Welcome to the Matrix Welcome to the Matrix Welcome to the

As you can see, I did not add Matrix to the last phrase. I did this because it keeps it from running onto the next line.

Type it as you see it above.

Once you type it all in, press Enter. And move on to the next step.

step 4 Making it Matrix colors
Ok, so now it is time to make it the Matrix colors.

Type in "cls", just to clear everything up. Don't worry, no information will be lost.

You should have your Phrase across the screen now.

To change the color, type in:

color 0a

0a, means Green, and background black.

Now Press ENTER! Hold Enter down, and there you go!

You are one with the Matrix of Command Prompt!

Next Step is how to get around "run" being disabled.

The whole color legend is below:

9=Light Blue
a=Light Green
b=Light Aqua
c=Light Red
d=Light Purple
e=Light Yellow
f=Bright White

step 5 Opening CMD without "run"
So your school admin blocked the Run from the start menu?

Here is how to open command prompt without run!

Open up a new notepad document. AKA a text document.
Now type in start command.com

start command.com

Now click Save
Save it as cmd.bat
Save it to the Desktop
Click the icon that showed up, and command prompt should open now.

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